Press Release
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Archaeological field schools set to study Native American sites
The N.H. Division of Historical Resources has announced that its 2023 State Conservation and Rescue Archaeology Program field schools will take place at two locations this summer. Space for each session is limited and registration closes on May 31st.
The first SCRAP session will take place at Mollidgewock State Park from June 19-June 30, focusing on areas where a pre-contact Native American feature and artifact concentration were previously identified.
The second session will take place July 3-14 at Bear Brook State Park, where recent SCRAP field schools have investigated areas that show evidence of pre-contact Native American deposits.
SCRAP field schools conform to the standards for archaeology set forth by the National Parks Service. Participants in each session will learn archeological survey and excavation techniques, including artifact identification and excavation documentation.
Due to the precise nature of archaeological work, each session is limited to 20 participants. Individuals should be 18 years of age or older; individuals 16 or 17 years of age may participate with parent or guardian permission.
Participants may be SCRAP volunteers or may apply for academic credit through Plymouth State University. For students, each week of participation earns one credit.
Volunteers receive the same instruction as credit students. By successfully completing field work, participants earn certification as survey and excavation technicians.
Field work takes place on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with the exception of the July 4 holiday. Camping is available at each state park, but participants must make their own arrangements through N.H. State Parks’ reservation system.
There is a $50 participation fee to help defray the cost of supplies and instructional materials. In addition, PSU students are responsible for registering for credits and paying tuition through the university.
Mark Doperalski, New Hampshire state archaeologist, will direct this year’s sessions.
For more information, including how to register, visit and click on “Upcoming Events & Opportunities” or contact the NHDHR at 603-271-6433.
New Hampshire’s Division of Historical Resources, the “State Historic Preservation Office,” was established in 1974. The historical, archaeological, architectural and cultural resources of New Hampshire are among its most important environmental assets. Historic preservation promotes the use, understanding and conservation of such resources for the education, inspiration, pleasure and enrichment of New Hampshire’s citizens. For more information, visit or call 603-271-3483.