For Immediate Release
Posted: December 11, 2023


Shelly Angers, NH Department of Natural & Cultural Resources
(603) 271-3136 |

NH State Forest Nursery opens second year of online sales; last year’s weather affected some species quantities

A late spring frost coupled with last summer’s seemingly never-ending rains negatively impacted agricultural production statewide and the N.H. State Forest Nursery Boscawen was no exception.

The nursery, which is now accepting online seedling orders for spring 2024, announced that quantities of conifer species will be extremely limited this year, including several popular Christmas tree species.

Despite the unfavorable weather, there are several additional shrub and hardwood tree species that have not been offered in recent years, including red-berried elder, winterberry holly and yellow birch. There will also be increased availability of the pollinator pack, which has five seedlings each of beach plum, crabapple, gray dogwood, nannyberry and Virginia rose. Debuting in 2021, this popular pack sells out quickly each year.

“This past season’s unusual weather had an adverse impact on the quantity of seedlings we are able to offer this year,” said Nursery Manager Billy Kunelius. “However, this is an opportunity for people to plant other tree and shrub species they might not have previously considered, creating more diverse landscapes that benefit birds, pollinators and wildlife.”

Customers can order seedlings from the nursery’s online store, The site offers real-time inventory of available species and order confirmation, removing any uncertainty about whether an order will be able to be filled.

“We do set limits for orders sizes for many popular species to allow as many people as possible to purchase seedings. These numbers are based on sales history and accommodate the majority of our customers’ needs in an ordinary year,” said Kunelius. “Folks are encouraged to check back near the end of selling season even after an item sells out, as there is always a chance that inventory will be added after the seedlings are lifted from the ground and counted.”

Approximately 50 species of bare-root seedlings are offered for sale each year; all are grown from seed on site at the nursery. While commonly known conifer and hardwood tree species are available, the nursery also grows and sells fruit-bearing and nut-bearing shrubs as well as species that flourish near streams, rivers and wetlands. Five specialty packages, designed for specific uses, are also available this year. 

Located on an 880-acre state forest managed for multiple purposes, the N.H. State Forest Nursery has 16 acres of irrigated, outdoor seedbeds, 14 acres of seed orchards and progeny test areas, and several on-site demonstration plantings. It is currently in the process of expanding its growing area and updating its decades-old irrigation system.

For more information about New Hampshire’s State Forest Nursery and to find a direct link to the online store, visit  

Established in 1910, the N.H. State Forest Nursery’s mission is to grow and distribute quality, bare-root seedlings for forestry, conservation and education purposes. The Nursery facility and program are administered by the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands, which is part of the N.H. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. For more information about the N.H. Division of Forests and Lands, visit
