Social Media Rules of Engagement

Please note that all NHDNCR social media accounts are managed and all comments made to them are moderated. Comments will not be edited by NHDNCR staff, but we reserve the right to remove comments and posts that violate (1) the State of New Hampshire Social Media Policy guidelines outlined below and / or (2) statements made by any social media provider used by the NHDNCR. We also reserve the right to block users from our accounts should they repeatedly and clearly violate these basic guidelines.

NOTE: Our accounts are not monitored 24/7. ***If you are experiencing an emergency, dial 911.***

NHDNCR Social Media Policy Guidelines

The following content is prohibited on NHDNCR social media sites; posts or comments violating these rules shall be removed:

  • Obscene, threatening or harassing language;
  • Personal attacks or comments that attack or disparage any ethnic, racial, age or religious group, or language that attacks or disparages any person because of the
  • person’s race, age, religion, sex, gender identity or disability
  • Posts, comments or links that may violate copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws
  • Posts or comments that tend to incite a breach of the peace;
  • Comments unrelated to the posted topic. By establishing a Social Media Presence, the NHDNCR intends only to provide a limited public forum;
  • Comments unrelated to the mission of the NHDNCR and its divisions;
  • Personally identifiable privacy information of any individual;
  • Commercial solicitation or advertising.Your participation with NHDNCR social media sites is at your own risk, and you are responsible for your comments, username and any information you provide. If you no longer wish to be a part of any NHDNCR social media community, you may choose to adjust your account to remove yourself from that community at any time.


  • Your participation with NHDNCR social media sites is at your own risk, and you are responsible for your comments, username and any information you provide. If you no longer wish to be a part of any NHDNCR social media community, you may choose to adjust your account to remove yourself from that community at any time.


  • Posts originated by those who have chosen to participate with NHDNCR social media community are not necessarily representative of the NHDNCR, nor does the NHDNCR confirm their accuracy.
  • The views expressed within the community comment sections / posts on NHDNCR social media accounts do not necessarily reflect those of the NHDNCR, nor does the NHDNCR endorse the comments or opinions provided by these self-selected members of NHDNCR social media communities. The NHDCNR’s following of social media accounts or being followed by them also does not imply endorsement of content posted on those accounts.
  • Be aware that representatives from the State of New Hampshire may communicate via NHDNCR social media accounts. Consequently, any communication via these accounts – whether by a state employee or the general public – may be subject to Right to Know requests.
  • The appearance of external links or advertisements on any NHDNCR social media account page does not reflect the opinions of the NHDNCR, nor can their appearance be construed as NHDNCR endorsement or confirmation of their accuracy.
  • The NHDNCR does not exercise any editorial control over the information provided by social media companies and their third-party advertisers.
  • This policy is subject to amendment or modification at any time to ensure its continued use is consistent with its intended purpose as a limited forum.